This, of course, wouldn't make very exciting television. A journey from the Earth to the center of our galaxy, for example, would take about 25,000 years if you were to travel just under the speed of light. The biggest problem was that even if a starship could travel at the speed of light, the time to go from one galaxy to another could still take hundreds, maybe thousands of years. At the same time, they wanted to do their best to stick to the laws of physics. So the creator of the series, Gene Roddenberry, and the other writers had to find a way to move the show's characters around the universe in a timely, dramatic fashion. As the "opera" part of the name suggests, a show like "Star Trek" isn't meant to be slow or ordinary - when people think of the series, they probably think of melodramatic plots involving aliens, space travel and action-packed laser fights. The "Star Wars" films are another example of the space opera subgenre.

They were essentially creating a space opera, a subgenre of science fiction that takes place in space and covers the span of several galaxies and millions of light years.

When the writers of "Star Trek" sat down to plan the series, they found themselves confronted with a few problems. Kirk, but whatever were they going to do about intergalactic space travel? "Star Trek" had William Shatner as Captain James T. But how does something like warp speed fit into reality and our universe? Is warp speed just a wacky science fiction device, or is it theoretically possible? How does it work in the "Star Trek" universe? For everything on warp speed, infinity and beyond, read the following pages.
Wells' "The Time Machine" to "Star Trek" to Joss Whedon's "Firefly" series has touched on the possibilities of time travel, teleportation and, of course, warp speed. While we haven't quite answered these questions yet, we at least have science fiction like "Star Trek" to test the human imagination. What are we doing here, anyway? How did the universe begin, and are there other, parallel universes that mirror ours? Is there life out there in other galaxies, and what would it be like to travel there? For as long as humans have looked up to the skies, space has fascinated us, and astronomers and philosophers alike have asked the most fundamental questions while staring at the stars. Curiosity Project: 10 Outdated Astronomical Theories.